SandBoxie 3.56 Full Version With Crack

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SandBoxie 3.56 Full Version With Crack - Merupakan software kecil yang berfungsi untuk mengisolasi file file sampah hasil dari program tertentu seperti software web browser.
dengan SandBoxie 3.56 Full Version With Crack anda dapat menjaga dan merawat harddisk anda dari tumpukan file file junk, history, cookies, dll.

English Review + Features
Tired of dealing with rogue software, spyware and malware?
Spent too many hours removing unsolicited software?
Worried about clicking unfamiliar Web links?
Introducing Sandboxie: Sandboxie runs your programs in an isolated space which prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer.

These are the changes to Sandboxie since version 3.54.
  • Notable enhancements:
  • Experimental Protection for 64-bit editions of Sandboxie.
  • Program groups may reference other progarm groups, and may be used in Start/Run and Internet Access Restrictions.
  • Block 16-bit programs from starting or running in the sandbox.
  • Cmd.exe running under Sandboxie maintains the correct current directory even for SUBST drives or junction points.
  • New Start.exe /wait option, documented in the Start Command Line page.
  • Usability enhancements:
  • "Run Sandboxed" dialog windows include an explanation for the Drop Rights checkbox.
  • Desktop.ini files do not appear in Quick Recovery and Immediate Recovery pop-up windows.
  • Improved the "Rename Sandbox" command, and the "Create New Sandbox" command can copy settings from an existing sandbox.
  • Problems Fixed:
  • Some issues with acclerated rendering by recent versions of browsers.
  • Some issues with printing to a network printer on Windows 7.
  • Some issues where the SandboxieCrypto process remains lingering in the sandbox after other programs already ended.
  • Some issues with Sandboxie Control not starting at the end of installation, where User Account Controls (UAC) is active.
  • A problem that prevented installation of ActiveX components when Internet Explorer was running under Sandboxie.
  • A problem that caused Sandboxie to refuse to install on some 64-bit systems.
  • A problem with Immediate Recovery to a path which was too long to display in full.
  • Improved compatibility with:
  • Office 2010 Protected Mode.
  • Media players: The KMPlayer, PotPlayer, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema.
  • Security Software: F-Secure 2011, McAfee Total Protection, Sophos Anti-Virus, Trend Micro Browser Guard 2011, Trusteer Rapport, Vipre Antivirus, WehnTrust HIPS for 2000/XP/2003.
  • Other software: Babylon, DragonSaga, File-Ex, Nitro PDF 6.

Link download:

Software ini dapat digunakan untuk semua program (tidak harus browser software). Sedangkan cara menggunakannya cukup mudah :
  1. Install dan Aktivasi sesuai petunjuk yang sudah disertakan dalam file diatas.
  2. Selanjutnya jalankan SandBoxie
  3. Lalu Klik Kanan pada "Sandbox DefaultBox" - Run SandBoxed
  4. Anda bisa memilih disitu.
    Kalo saya lebih suka pakai 'Run from Start Menu'
  5. Lalu tinggal pilih deh mana program yang mau dijalankan.
  6. Sandboxie bisa anda Close untuk menyembunyikannya di Tray Icon.

Semoga Bermanfaat ^^

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